At Prked, we do our best to educate our users in order to foster a cooperative and responsible community and help keep all Hosts, Guests and their personal property safe from harm. Because Prked is a marketplace that connects individuals, it is impossible to guarantee the safety or security of your property. When you list a parking space using the Prked interface, you are entering into an agreement with your Guest. Prked is not responsible for any damage or loss of property that may occur during or in connection with a reservation. By agreeing to Prked's Terms and Conditions when you create your account, you acknowledge and agree to these terms.
In the unlikely event that your property is damaged by a Prked Guest, please reach out to Customer Care within 24 hours of the end of the reservation to alert us of the issue. After that, we ask that you attempt to resolve the matter with the Guest, as both parties have direct access to the vehicle and/or parking space involved, which may allow for a more immediate resolution. In the case that this is not an option or a resolution cannot be reached, Customer Care will assess the situation and offer recourse where possible.
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